So, I had a great day off yesterday, I slept in, I exercised, I got to swim in the pool and enjoy the sunshine. Oh yeah, it's monsoon season...still waiting on some rain. My dog is thrilled that it never rains...she always hated going out when it was wet. Luckily we bought a house with desert landscaping, so, not much water needed there either.
The last day I worked was Tuesday, we really thought it was April 1st not July 1st...I guess we'll call it July fool's day...what a mess. Some how our computer system at the hospital crashed. It started out running really slow when I passed my morning meds...thank goodness it was my second day with these people and they didn't have a ton of meds. I actually got done at about 8:45, and I took a break...yeah I do it when I can because the opportunity doesn't come along too often. By the time I got back there was an irritation in the air. The doctors had started doing their rounds...there was much grumbling and a lot of mouse punishment going on. You know how it is when the computer just isn't responding so you pick up the mouse and slam it on the table a few times to wake it up...yeah it doesn't work people. It's not a real mouse, it's not sleeping, you don't have to wake it up...the problem is in the computer. Maybe I shouldn't tell them that, they'll be slamming the tower against the desk So, first it was just taking a really long time for the pages to load, then they are timing out, then you get kicked off, then you can't even sign on to the program so everybody starts rebooting their computers...because communication is sooooo wonderful in the health care field, there have been zero announcements about the computer problems. But, everybody is complaining. Some of the docs are really verbal, " How do they expect me to do my job? None of my patients are going to get discharged today with all this going on, I was going to discharge 10 people now only 4 get to go home." It was getting bad. The we found out it's not just our hospital, it's not just the hospitals that belong to this certain company in the Phoenix area either. They have hospitals in AZ,CO,WY,NV,CA,AK and they are all down...what a nightmare. Plus the hospital where I work has only been live on the computer system for nurses to chart for about a, there are a lot of people not comfortable with it yet. Now they are being asked to go back to paper charting until the computer comes back up....what a headache!!! Thank goodness my patients were angels and didn't need much charting. The issue was completely resolved at about 6pm just before night shift came in. And they got an extra nurse to help them....WHAT????!!!! the problem is solved what do they need an extra body for? Maybe, the band aid might not stick huh? SOOOOOO glad I had a day off yesterday!!!Guess we'll see what happens when I go back tmorrow.
Remember our troops and have a Happy and safe 4th!!!
Non noc nocere.
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