Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Holiday trip

We made the trip from Phoenix to Oklahoma mostly on I-40. There are a few attractions on I-40 in Texas that you just have to stop at once. We actually made a couple of fun stops just to break up the monotony of driving. One was the famous Cadillac's by Amarillo on I-40. It was a sunny day and about 40 degrees figured we could brave it easily. Wow, we forgot about the's one of those winds that no matter which way you turned it was still in your face. Of course we weren't the only ones to stop, there were plenty of people braving the cold. There are 10 Cadillacs buried nose down and completely covered with graffiti..we added ours with a spray paint available. I'm glad we stopped when we did...I had suggested stopping on our way back but when we left to come home we left at 6am and it was snowing. The pics turned out pretty good. We also stopped at the Continental Divide on our way real picture taking spots there.
We had a great time in Oklahoma. It was great to see my family. Pulls at the old heart strings when you leave though. On the trip back we stopped in Winslow Arizona and took some pics there...they'll be on the next blog. Having trouble with windows vista and windows xp, they don't see to want to play together. I have to get my live in computer geek to help me.
Still waiting to go back to work...I signed up with the agency for Monday Tuesday and needs...I called the hospital where I am contracted and no luck there either. I start my week tomorrow, so, we are going to find something fun to do today.
Non noc nocere.

1 comment:

JLeonard said...

hey love the pic of the Caddy Ranch. Was gonna stop there on the way home, but blew thru Amarillo in the middle of the night. Glad you had a great time with the home folks. Family is good, esp in small doses. LOL! Take care.