Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas spirit

There really is a Christmas spirit and it is alive and well. I have to share this story. A nice little old (80) lady, healthy and does everything for herself, lives alone. While driving to church, somehow got off the freeway before her exit, as she was driving down the road she runs into the curb and stops. A man following her stops and walks up to her door and asks if she needs help. She feels confused and says I don't know. He walks her to his vehicle, helps her inside then goes back to move her car to a parking lot. He asks where she was headed and she tells him to church, she is starting to remember now, at first she gives him the right name but the wrong address, then she says no and gives him the right address. He drives her to church and along the way calls her son to tell him what has happened. The stranger walks her into church and helps her sit down, then he's gone...She gets help from the other parishoners to get communion then to sit back down. Her son comes in and sits next to her, after the service she asks her son to take her back to her car...he says I think you should go to the hospital, she actually agrees and takes her to the hospital. She is doesn't remember why she turned off the freeway, that few minutes are just gone...but wow, was she lucky. All of her symptoms are gone and it was most likely a TIA but, how badly that scene could have turned out. It really made my day to hear that story.I hope it helps renew your belief in Christmas and the good left in the world. Merry Christmas and non noc nocere.

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