Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

Yeah,yeah,yeah so, the title isn't very politically correct...cuz, it's my blog, that's why. Sorry, had to say it. So, how was every one's Christmas? Was the Christmas spirit alive and well in your world? Maybe it was if you weren't working. Boy, people are just plain crabby sometimes. So, you can complain about having to take Mom home on Christmas day and have to look for an open pharmacy or you can be happy that you get to take Mom home on Christmas. Maybe people don't realize they have a choice. So, that was my Christmas, most people were happy to be alive and realized they might not have made it to Christmas if they hadn't had their open heart surgery. But, there were the few who just complained anyway...what can you do?
I am working with a gaggle of brand new nurses. Some have only been off of orientation for a's kinda scary. They seem reluctant to ask pertinent questions, or any questions. I had a nurse talk about having to re start an iv for about 6 hours of our 12 hour shift...I finally asked her if she wanted me to do it. She said no, I want to try, but he has so much hair on his arms. She seemed in awe when I told her she could shave his arm...she finally got the iv but, procrastinated about it all shift.I think she might be a little too nervous to be on PCU, med surg might be better for her. It's still busy but, her patients wouldn't be of such high acuity. Guess we'll just pray and keep our fingers crossed. I'm there to help and guide as much as I can, please remember to ask if you have a could save someone's life not to mention your career.
I heard people complaining about some of the cost saving measures that the company I work for is making. Why are people always complaining? This company had a difficult time filling it's empty shifts a couple of years ago and started paying it's RN's and LPN's double time for overtime, they have decided that this is no longer a cost effective measure, yeah it's sad to see it go, but, now they are just paying us like every other nurse in Arizona. Times are tough all over, it's your attitude that will make or break ya.
Non noc nocere.

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