Tuesday, June 09, 2009

this weekend

Ya gotta love the full moon. It brings out the interesting people. And the beloved change of shift code....classic Torsades de pointe. The worst part was that he was a relatively young man and his Mom was in the room when he went out. We tried to get her out but, the code cart was blocking the doorway out of the room, not to mention the numerous bodies that filled the room. I think she got to see the first shock...pretty traumatic, but, it was life or death at the time.We got her out to the desk and spiritual care was there to be with her.He was intubated and sent to the ICU and returned to our unit later the next day. Lucky.It just seems I am seeing younger and younger MI and coronary artery disease patients.38 and 40 year olds having triple bypass and more. Most of them preventable with the right lifestyle changes...you can't change what's inherited but you can keep from adding to it.It's a choice. Life is a choice. Your life is your choice.
Non noc nocere

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