Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Branching out

Hello again, sorry it's been so long. I've been really busy. The agency nursing thing is going pretty well. There is a state run mental health facility that has been requiring some help. I took CAPE training. (Creating a positive environment) It was 2 days and only slightly helpful. One thing they taught was the CAPE hold...I thought I might not want to work there after learning that. It is a way to hold onto the client without them hurting themselves or you and it's supposed to help them to gain control of themselves. I haven't seen it in practice and after talking to the nurses that work at the facility they haven't used it much either. I was really glad to hear that. The clients are an interesting mix and the staff has been helpful. Just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks...I am still working at a hospital as's brand new as of August this year. The ratio is 4 to 1 and they are only using nursing students as nurse aides and using them very minimally. I haven't worked there much yet but I'll keep you all posted. Happy blogging...and remember first do no harm.


The new Third Degree Nurse said...

Sounds like a good place to be. Where is your hospital?

TravelingNurse said...

The new hospital I am working in is in Moore Oklahoma. The entire staff has a great attitude. I showed some interest in working in Ambulatory surgery and I oriented down there this week.It's a great place.