Monday, November 06, 2006

Just Work

Hello from sunny Phoenix, I still find it amazing,coming from the frigid Northeast, that November can be so beautiful. The mornings and evenings are cool, not cold, but I am finally able to wear my jeans and long sleeved shirts. The days are sunny with blue skies and warm air, still wearing shorts and tanks tops, we even have to have the air conditioning on most days. Sounds awful, huh? I just can't believe the number of people who dislike where they live and stay there. Every assignment I go on people tell me how much they would like to travel but.....there's always a but. Your desire has to be bigger than your but or you'll never do it. Recently I've been working with some new grads who are all envious of my traveling, they can't wait to have enough experience to travel and I encourage it. It's a great way to see the country and learn new things. I also encourage people to become nurses, it's a great career. There are so many different avenues to take in nursing, if you don't like one , try another.
I had a great idea for a blog the other day and now I can't remember what it was. I hate when that happens. Does that mean I'm getting old? I think it means I just have too much information in my brain. Too many drug names and generic names and dosages and calculations, phone numbers ,doctors names, recruiters...just overload ya know. Plus I have been working 4 and 5 twelve hour shifts a week, that will definitely overload ya. I have heard of nurse working 6 and 7 twelves a week but honestly, how long can you keep that pace up without hurting yourself or someone else?
Work has been good, lots of overtime available. I got Christmas off and Thanksgiving too...I am working New Years Eve and New Years Day...but, it's day shift so it's not so bad, and hopefully it will be slow. I feel for some of the travelers that are coming in now and the ones that came after I did, they are all working Christmas. That's one down fall of nursing, someone has to work on the holidays, all the holidays, the place doesn't close ever. It's an amazing concept really, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year, hospitals never close. When I was in Rhode Island the nurses all belonged to the union and they had mandatory overtime..and it was used all the time. I would hate that. I like my overtime when I want to do it.
Well , remember first do no harm.

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