The second contract I am waiting for is from Banner for an extension to stay working at the hospital I am in now. About a month ago I asked my boss if she needed me for the summer and she said she wouldn't know for a few weeks. So, now that it is getting close to being a month away from the end of my contract, and with everyone elses contracts ending the end of May too, we are all getting a little nervous. I would just like to be able to stay at this facility for a little longer. I like the people I work with for the most part and the work is not very annoying. Let's just say I can tolerate it for a few months longer. At a increased rate of pay, because I will get a housing stipend instead of an apartment...that stipend should pay my mortgage, plus I will still get my same hourly rate. Of course at the other end I will not get a bunch of write offs for my next years taxes but, I'm ok with that.
All that aside I had a very phlegm filled week this week. Our cardiac unit has turned respiratory on me. I had 2 COPDer's , one CP and a suicide. Yesterday my suicide was discharged to inpatient psych and I got an ESLD. My least favorite was the 49 year old Cerebral Palsy patient...he was nice enough but barely functional and just coughing and coughing and I was so afraid he was going to choke when I fed him. Speech therapy said he was ok, just a delayed swallow, just not in my comfort zone. But, I have 2 days off and next week is another week.
Remember non noc nocere.
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