Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Code

Hey all...yeah it happens to all of us. I was transport nurse for 8 hours then took over for a nurse that went home. Things were great at 4pm...all of my patients were happy and healthy just waiting to go home in the next day or so. My best patient had finished her walk around the unit with her chest tube and was sitting in her chair visiting with her friend... when her friend came out and said that her friend (my patient) felt dizzy. I went immediately to her room after checking the monitor and she said she felt dizzy, we immediately got her back to bed and by then she couldn't complete a sentence and her pupils were fully dilated. We coded her for about a half an hour. Thank goodness her friend was there because she was in PEA for a while. It was devastating to me. I hate to code patients,especially my patients, but this one I knew there was nothing I could do. As we laid her down in the bed, she couldn't form a complete sentence, and she looked into my eyes and started to cry. It is really a strange predicament to be in. But, it really makes you think of your life and how quickly it can change. (She didn't make it)
Ok, on to better is my birthday. It has been a great day..ok so all of my siblings didn't call or email me happy birthday..but my friend Jeanett called from Ohio to say she missed me at the Louie Run today ( a motorcycle ride named for a guy in North East Ohio that benefits lots of different charities) and my friend Frank called from Kentucky. Frank has the same birthday as me and is married to one of my best friends Frankie. We took a boat ride on Saguaro Lake with our friends Don, Jeannie, and Shirley. We had a great day and went to the marina diner for lunch and it was a great day.
I am still waiting for the bank to decide if I am going to get this house or not but I am finally stabilized here for another 3 least till the end of August. So, another year and none the worse for wear. Non noc nocere.

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