Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yep, that's me. Everytime I have to take care of myself I realize it again, I'm so spoiled. My husband is such a great guy, he does everything...ok so, he doesn't have to go to work but, he does everything else. This week I've had to do it all myself. Take the dog out in the morning before I go to work, get ready for work, make my own coffee,drive myself to work, (park in the parking garage which I hate and walk to the hospital) drive myself home, walk the dog, feed the dog and myself..ugh it's like 2 full time jobs. When I was in Virginia at least I only had to take care of myself, ok I was lonely, but, I didn't have to get up so early. Ok, yeah I'm complaining...sorry, like I said I'm spoiled! I have been taken care of and catered to for the last 7 years that we have been on the road...I would not give it up for a second! I will continue to work and have him here to clean and do laundry and take out the trash and cook and take care of the dog...I got the easy part!
I'm sure there are others out there who are in my position, I know at least one and she loves it too...yeah nobody wants to work but, if you do have to work this is the way to do normal life: I get up and shower after I start the coffee maker which is ready to go I just have to turn it on, then I get dressed, get my coffee, get driven to work and dropped off at the front door, get picked up at the front door , come home change my clothes have some food that has already been prepared for me and sit on the couch and watch tv or surf the Internet until it's time for bed. Sounds rough huh? I am very lucky to have the arrangement I have and luckily my husband feels the same way. No, not that I am so lucky , that he is so lucky maybe that's why it works for us. Here's to a loving, caring, give and take relationship!!! I wish it for all of you!
Non noc nocere.



very nice blog site some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia, i wish you all the best.

dulcita said...

hey, just glancing through blogs pertaining to nursing (as a nursing school assignment)...just wanted to say i appreciate your details of an actual day-in-the-life. keep up the writing and pictures! :-)