Tuesday, March 25, 2008

a week off

Yep, a whole week off...one extra day cuz I was sick. Beware of food brought in for "pot luck". I usually have a pretty strong stomach, but it really got me. Easter dinner...better with family. So, my neice is here for a week. I get to play the cool Aunt..as close to being a Mom as I ever wanted. Seems weird what with everyone else in my family having one or more off spring. I'm lucky I just get to enjoy them all. So, we will be spending a lot of time at the above scene...the pool, so she can got back home to the frozen north with a little tan and make her friends jealous. My oldest sister is in the happiest place on earth...Disneyland...don't envy her. She is there with her 4 kids and 5 grandkids...sounds like fun to some...can't wait to see the pics. Be safe and find some time to enjoy a day off.
Remember non noc nocere.

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