Saturday, March 24, 2007

Still waiting

Just waiting. I haven't gotten an interview yet. I have my profile in with Ohio State University hospital and Ohio Health, also with Norman Regional Hospital in Oklahoma. I am in a holding pattern, but, it's not the first time. I can always go to Columbus and work agency until I find something. It's not my first choice because I would not have the housing, but we do what we have to do when we are chasing our dreams. Who thought my dreams would take me to Columbus Ohio?
I had my orientee again this week, it was a rough day. I was back down on the surgical unit. Our thoracotomy patient who had her chest tubes pulled on Wednesday ended up getting them back in on Thursday. It was not a pretty sight. The patient has been in the hospital for almost a month. Lots of hostility and anger on the part of the husband was not making my job any easier. Then we got a transfer from the Dialysis center who was in rapid a-fib. Luckily she self converted before we had to hang the Amiodarone and start heparin. My orientee just wasn't able to keep up with the pace, the language barrier is really tough. I don't know if he is fully understanding me or the patients or the doctors.
Only 13 more days. It has been a fun ride here in Arizona, I really enjoy the hospital and my co-workers, some of them more than others. I would love to come back and work here again. The staff really tries to make you feel like part of the team, it's nice. We'll see what the future brings. Remember first do no harm.

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